Mental Health
It is important to note that there are no English-speaking mental health services in the region around Talloires. We strongly suggest that you plan ahead before departure and speak with your mental health professionals to prepare for your time in Talloires. If you take regular medication, you will need to have sufficient medication for your time in Talloires, along with a couple extra copies of your prescription(s).
While studying abroad can be an incredible experience, it often takes time to adjust to a new culture, living arrangements, food, language, and immersion in the unfamiliar. You may feel overwhelmed at times, or at others, homesick. You may feel afraid, and others depressed. You may just feel out of sorts. Attitudes toward counseling, or therapy, are different in France and these issues are not often discussed as openly as they are in the U.S.; however, having a plan before you depart is essential to helping you feel ready to handle whatever feelings arise during your time in France.
Travel and culture shock can dangerously exacerbate an anxiety or eating disorder. Eating disorders can be difficult to handle in France because of the importance placed on food and mealtimes. Adjusting to different food and having limited food choices when living with a host family can be extremely stressful. Students need to be willing to embrace the cultural differences around food in order to have a successful study-abroad experience. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the European Center staff before or during your experience to discuss support and options in this area.
Adapted from New York University.