Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 101
Dates: June 30 – July 14, 2025
Application will open Wednesday February 19th 2025
Calling all Tufts students! We are excited to offer GIS 101 at the Tufts European Center in Talloires, France!
GIS 101 in Talloires (cross listed with UEP 232 and ENV 107) will be fully integrated into the extraordinary setting in and around the European Center in Talloires and will offer full Tufts graduate/undergraduate credit. It is an amazing opportunity to see global applications for GIS while spending two weeks in an exceptionally beautiful environment.
Course description: This course provides a broad foundation in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) theory, methods, capabilities, technology, and applications. Key topics include GIS data discovery, data structures and management, geodesy, cartography, and principles of spatial analysis using both raster and vector data. Students will explore principles of cartographic visualization and engage in basic spatial modeling. The course features extensive exercises that will allow students to apply concepts from lectures to real-world projects in their fields of interest. A final project will enable students to integrate GIS tools with their specific academic interests.
This course is a condensed and intensified version of the regular Tufts GIS 101 course. Students should expect to do the same amount of work as they would for a Tufts course in Medford. Grades are added to each student’s Tufts transcript.
Instructor: Professor Sumeeta Srinivasan, Senior Lecturer, Urban & Environmental Policy & Planning, Assistant Professor, Public Health and Community Medicine, Tufts University
Before You Apply
It is very important that student applicants consult our Preparing to Go pages before applying to study in Talloires. Living in another country and navigating a new culture are wonderful experiences, but not without challenges. Understanding this ahead of time will help students make an informed decision about participating in the program. There are also many important practical aspects to consider before you apply, including finances, visa status, and more.
Open to: Graduate and Undergraduate students
The program is open to all students who meet the following criteria:
- Students must have completed one year of university studies.
- Students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing. "Good standing" means that a student is not on Disciplinary Probation or on Academic Probation. For a further explanation of "good standing," please refer to the Tufts Student Code of Conduct, found online via the Student Life website:
- Students are expected to have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 (on a scale of 4.0). Freshman registrations will be held as pending until the first semester transcript is submitted to the European Center, no later than the first day of spring semester classes.
Non-Tufts Students
Meet the criteria listed for Tufts students, plus the items below:
- Submit an official transcript from their home institution
- Provide a letter of recommendation from your current academic advisor. Letters should be sent directly to the Tufts European Center at and should address your readiness for an intensive academic and cultural exchange program.
- Course Registrations for non-Tufts students will be processed via email