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All students should review travel safety protocols. Below are some basic precautions for travel safety and convenience. Most of these require common sense and staying alert. While victims of a crime are never to blame for criminal activity, students should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • If you are traveling during the program, you must leave a copy of your travel schedule and itinerary with the European Center staff. In addition, make sure a staff member and your host family know where you are and how to contact you at all times.
  • Be aware of your surroundings: use the basic precautions that are customary in any major city in the world today. Travel with a friend if possible. While in a new city, plan your routes and walk confidently. If you are being followed or feel threatened, go into a store or other public area.
  • Be informed about current events: read newspapers and listen to the TV or radio news. There are English-language and international newspapers available at the centers and at kiosks and newsstands throughout the cities where centers are located. If you have questions, check with center staff for advice and travel advisories.
  • Be inconspicuous: don’t try to draw attention to yourself by looking too “American” or by talking loudly. Try to avoid places frequented by tourists.
  • Do not impair your judgment with excessive consumption of alcohol or through the use of drugs.
  • Female travelers may be more likely to encounter harassment, but regardless of your gender, you should avoid walking alone at night.
  • Do not agree to meet a person whom you do not know in a non-public place.
  • Know local laws: laws and systems of justice are not universal. Do not assume that because it is legal in the United States, it is legal abroad.
  • Be aware that pickpockets are commonplace in Europe, especially in areas like subway stations and crowded markets. Be on guard at all times, and always keep purses and/or backpacks on your person , preferably on the front of your body. Double- or triple-check each time you get off a bus or a plane: have you left anything behind?

International SOS

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