Reflecting on Our Season in Talloires
Wednesday, October, 23rd, 2024 Academic Programs Newsletter
As summer turns to fall and we turn the page on our 2024 season in Talloires, it’s nice to take a moment to reflect on the many wonderful people and interesting activities that filled the Priory
over the course of the last six months!

Tufts in Talloires: So Much Rain
If there was one word to describe our time in Talloires this year it would be “rainy.” It rained almost non-stop through May and June, and we struggled to help our brave Tufts in Talloires students and faculty navigate the seemingly endless downpours! Despite the inclement weather, we managed to do everything that we needed to ensure a full, rich and exciting academic program for the students. Class excursions went off equipped with raincoats and umbrellas and managed to successfully take advantage of sites in places like Geneva, Vienne, Annecy, and Lyon. Organized group hikes headed off with our mountain guides under mostly cloudy skies but not so bad that students couldn’t appreciate the incredible natural wonder of the local mountains. We did have some good-weather days, one of which magically coincided with our group trip to Chamonix. Bright blue sunshiny skies reigned over the Alps as students explored, hiked, and appreciated the incredible views of Mont Blanc in all its glorious splendor. Overall, even the rain couldn’t mar the impact of the Tufts in Talloires program, and we were thrilled that our students appreciated their courses, their host families and the incredible setting that is Talloires.

Tufts in Annecy: Immersed
Our Tufts in Annecy students spent the month of July fully immersed in French language and culture. Between their courses at CILFA (Centre International de Langue Française d’Annecy), their homestays with local French host families, and their regular trips to Talloires to meet with Tufts professor, Tracy Pearce, they learned a lot of French! While the CILFA courses were complemented by cultural excursions, we at the European Center decided to offer them the opportunity of a lifetime: to play Pétanque (like boules or bocci) with the local Talloires pétanque club. The word went out to the Talloires community and at the designated date and time, there were about 20 Talloiriens who came to help teach our Tufts in Annecy students (along with our Tuts Summit students) the finer points of Pétanque. The group broke into mixed teams and an excellent time was had by all!

Tufts Summit: Learning by Experience
Our Tufts Summit high school students were treated to several important excursions to complement their courses in International Relations and French language. To experience international relations firsthand, the students spent a day in Geneva, Switzerland, visiting significant sites like the International Committee of the Red Cross Museum. This was an opportunity for them to get a deeper understanding of the environment where international diplomacy and humanitarian efforts take place. The Tufts Summit students also spent a day in nearby Chambéry, a historic city that was once the capital of the Duchy of Savoy. The Summit-ers explored Chambéry’s rich history, visiting landmarks such as the grand Château des Ducs de Savoie and the Musée Savoisien to get a real sense and appreciation for the culture and history of Talloires’ Savoie region. The Summiter’s final day trip was to the Bauges Mountains, just across the lake from Talloires, where we visited an old Chartreuse monastery. The renovated building, converted into a museum, offered an interesting view of religious life in the mountains, with interesting interactive displays. From there, the students walked over to a working dairy farm where they had the opportunity to see how traditional local cheeses were made and aged. We even got to taste them! These experiential opportunities allow students connect with the program in real time, and help us bring their studies to life!!

Whether it was hiking in the Alps, enjoying the local social traditions, or delving into international diplomacy in Geneva, all of our students left the European Center with new perspectives and cherished memories. As we look ahead to future summers, we carry with us the spirit of discovery, learning, and community that makes the Tufts University European Center such a unique place to learn and grow.